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Piccadilly ApartmentsWrite a Review

10137 West Coldspring Road, Milwaukee, WI 53228

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πŸŽ“   7mi to Milwaukee Institute of Art Design

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πŸŽ“  Miles to Milwaukee Institute of Art Design

Location Details

πŸ“ 10137 West Coldspring Road, Milwaukee, WI 53228

πŸŽ“ 7mi

Distance to Milwaukee Institute of Art Design

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Milwaukee Institute of Art Design

🚲 21min

Est. Bike ride to Milwaukee Institute of Art Design

πŸš— 14min

Est. Drive to Milwaukee Institute of Art Design

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so, me and my wife are still living here at piccadily. ONLY because we are not able to get out of our lease. My cars were broken into 4 times, and over night last night, my car got STOLEN, right from the piccadily parking lot. This is very upsetting when the management does NOTHING about the safety, they claim I am the only one that comes up to them with these problems, when the GREENFIELD POLICE told me this is a weekly on a regular basis that it happens here at piccadilly. I also heard from people that have lived there in the past, that it has happened to them. Greg, the manager, is only friendly before you sign the lease. Told us it's our fault that our cars keep getting broken into and that it's between me and the cops, when it's THEIR PARKING LOT. Am i supposed to park in my living room or what? Only reason I post this is because I don't want anyone else to go through 12 months of hell. The hallways smell like garbage and are never cleaned. When you have a problem in the apartment, nobody at the office ever answers the phone, or sometimes they're not even there during hours. The secretaries are dumb as rock and never know what to tell you when you have a question. They pretty much work there for no reason because they know nothing. They say it's free heat but it doesn't get hot and they don't turn it on till november. DO NOT MOVE THERE! I rented from winter '09 through fall '09. ...

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