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Breckenridge ApartmentsWrite a Review

239 Orville Street, Fairborn, OH 45324

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πŸŽ“   7.1mi to Yellow Springs

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πŸ“ 239 Orville Street, Fairborn, OH 45324

πŸŽ“ 7.1mi

Distance to Yellow Springs

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

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🚲 21min

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πŸš— 14min

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 - 50/100 ORA ™ Score

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Beware of any Connor and Murphy apartments. If you want some evidence that this is not a good place to stay go here: This is the fairborn city court system. Select Plaintiffs in the Drop down box and put in this search term: BRECKENRIDGE APARTMENTS You'll note that there are 12 actions pending for this year, thats over 1 serious problem a month. Last year there were 44. Thats nearly four attempted evictions a year. Area landlords that do NOT have the same attorney as an attorney or are not owned by Connor and Murphy have on average 0-4 evictions per year in the court system. When I lived there, they broke the law repeatedly, coming into apartments on excessive inspections without the required 24 hours notice, having their maintenance people go through apartments on inspections when homeowners were not home looking in areas they shouldn't (such as bedrooms--where there are no pipes), having an illegal water company and payment set up, charging residents excessive rents, raising rents in violations of leases. They also sicked their attorneys aggressively on anyone who complained, and the only way to protect yourself is to already have a good attorney in place. If you complain about anything they will use that as an excuse to come into your apartment, and then use any maintenence issue in the apartment, even if it is their fault, and it usually is, to file action against you. They also would say one thing to tenants but put different things in the fine print and writing. In addition the buildings have a serious water problem due to tiles not being secured on the roof. Water has been leaking down the inside of the walls for years, causing serious mold and rot issues throughout the building, including on the porches which frequently require replacing (which sometimes they do and sometimes they don't). When I lived there I found this: Maintenance is excessively bad, they tend to paint primer on the walls but NOT put actual paint on the walls. The unfixed porch doors are in backwards, windows and doors leak, the washer dryer hookup lines are not cleaned regularly and tend to clog. Dog feces is not picked up. the pool was shut down and cited by the health departmen. DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS SWIM IN THE POOL. The lighting frequently went out in the halls and would take weeks some times 2 months to be replaced. The halls are very dark at night without this lighting. Rotten walls and beams took anywhere from months, to 2-3 years to never to be replaced. Some tenants lived with sections left open. Some tenants were blamed for what is inherently a structural problem. Others had to get attorneys to force it to be fixed. Many just left, or were harrassed or sued for eviction. You can hear everything in the apartment out in the walls. You will hear noises from the other 7 apartments in your units and you will have no idea where they come from. You will think you know, which causes tenant conflicts because when people ask their neighbor to be quiet and control a barking dog, it is often not the person. I know this because I had neighbors complain about each other, and then noted that the complaints were during times when the neighbors weren't even home. I also thought my neighbor was making this knocking noise. Then they asked a friend if we could stop making the knocking noise. It wasn't them, it wasn't us. Anyone who tried to start a tenants organization was harassed. In addition the staff previously broke laws in this regard by tearing down notices and calling tenants to tell them the meetings been canceled, as well as telling tenants and organizers that tenant meetings and posting or handing out announcements for the meetings were illegal. I saw at least three people move out a month who were NOT being evicted. All of them said they were glad to get out of this hell. Many of the ones who were sued, we're not actually causing any action to be sued. It is a overzealous control measure that hurts their business in the long run. Harassment in different degrees is a common and over used tactic Thus they offer ridiculous entry prices and deals to lure you in. Once they have you, they would raise the rent illegally if they could, and if not, they would raise it at $100-$300 upon re lease signing, when people already felt settled in and didn't feel like moving. Their are WAY better apartment options in the area for that money, including being able to rent your own small house. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPLEX IF YOUR VALUE YOUR TIME, MONEY, SELF, AND LIVING IN PEACE. STAY AWAY FROM CONNOR AND MURPHY COMPLEXES. OTHER COMPLEXES THEY OWN IN THE AREA HAVE SIMILAR PROBLEMS. STAY AWAY FROM ANY COMPLEX THAT HAS THE SAME ATTORNEY (you can find the attorney name in any breckenridge court action on the fairborn court website). AT LEAST ONE OTHER AREA APARTMENT IS FOLLOWING IN BRECKENRIDGES FOOTSTEPS IN EVICTION RATES AND DESPERATE SIGNS OUT FRONT SINCE TAKING HIM ON. (While I am one person, anyone who wants to verify this just needs to start calling old tenants that have left. If you call enough of them you will have witnesses to every single thing in this letter plus more. I experienced many of these things myself personally as well as losing at least $1000 if not more due to their tactics) I rented from fall '01 through summer '05. ...

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