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The Murray ParkWrite a Review

120 E 34th Street, New York, NY 10016

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πŸŽ“   1.4mi to New York Institute of Technology-Manhattan Campus

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πŸŽ“  Miles to New York Institute of Technology-Manhattan Campus

Location Details

πŸ“ 120 E 34th Street, New York, NY 10016

πŸŽ“ 1.4mi

Distance to New York Institute of Technology-Manhattan Campus

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 21min

EST. Walk to New York Institute of Technology-Manhattan Campus

🚲 4min

Est. Bike ride to New York Institute of Technology-Manhattan Campus

πŸš— 3min

Est. Drive to New York Institute of Technology-Manhattan Campus

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Former Resident

I highly discourage anyone from signing a lease with Algin Management due to heavy construction in their buildings and a total lack of decency in terms of management's response. Due to COVID-19 vacancies, they are tearing up units left and right. You can expect at least 8 hours of drilling, hammering, and vacuuming every day, which resonates through the thin concrete walls in their buildings. This makes it impossible to work from home during quarantine. From my experience at The Murray Park, management is also impossible to reach. The super (Al Karaqi) and property manager (Dan Hochstadt) don't respond to texts or emails at all - you'll have to get lucky with a well-timed phone call. There is zero notice for upcoming apartment construction, water shutdowns, hallway renovations, etc. The corporate office also strategically doesn't provide any direct phone numbers. Instead, you have to go through an unpleasant receptionist, who will redirect you to an email address of a supervisor (Danielle Koehler). If you're lucky, she'll call you from an "Unknown" number, so you can't follow up with her. Overall, I wasted a tremendous amount of money with Algin, paying a premium to live in their "luxury" building, which turned out to be more of a construction workshop and a storage unit, rather than an apartment. Algin's buildings are a total disaster at the moment, and combined with the poor building management and corporate response, I strongly encourage you to save your money and look elsewhere. ...

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