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Holland ManagementWrite a Review

P.O. Box 3280, Ann Arbor, MI 48106

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$300 - $500
πŸŽ“   7.2mi to EMU

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πŸŽ“  Miles to EMU

Location Details

πŸ“ P.O. Box 3280, Ann Arbor, MI 48106

πŸŽ“ 7.2mi

Distance to EMU

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to EMU

🚲 22min

Est. Bike ride to EMU

πŸš— 14min

Est. Drive to EMU

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Former Resident

I have lived at a couple different apartments managed by Holland. They have been very helpful when my housing needs changed and found me a different apartment even though I was not at the end of my lease. I would definitely rent from them again.


Current Resident

I love the neighborhood I'm in, but Holland Management is extremely unprofessional, disorganized, and in many ways incompetent. They have bitten off way more than they can chew with all of the properties they try to manage. Maintenance is slow, if nonexistent. They wait to fix issues until they can absolutely no longer be ignored. They come by with little-to-no warning and expect tenants to drop whatever they're doing to open doors, move cars, take pets out, etc. They store maintenance items in the garages and basements of their occupied properties, which is extremely inconsiderate and unprofessional. They also charge much more than other comparable homes in the area for no apparent reason. I am very much looking forward to living elsewhere soon. ...


Current Resident

One of the most unprofessional companies I've rented from. Broken washer since I moved in, extremely slow to respond, doesn't seem like they are going to fix it anytime soon. Also the apartments are tiny and creaky. The windows are shitty, you could literally pull them out yourself. Only good thing is the location. I would not recommend this management company, Ann Arbor generally doesn't have a lot of choice but I would steer away from Holland Management. ...


Current Resident

The neighborhood our apartment is in is fantastic. That’s it. We had a mouse infestation when we first moved in, the communication has been poor at best, the washer and dryer are consistently not working as they should be, and generally it seems like they do not have their stuff together. ...


Horrible communication from the landlord, untimely maintenance. Lots of odd details - questionable practices legally. This has both the cons of working with an individual and with a large company. I've rented from many places in the area. For the price, it is pretty shocking how poor the service is compared to other local options. I rented from fall 2020 through winter 2021. ...


Our apartment was advertised as 700 sq ft, but it is actually no more than 500 (if we're being generous). Not to mention the lack of a real freezer and full sized oven. Gretchen was cooperative and maintenance was okay (though there are a few major issues that were never addressed). Pricing is outrageous considering how small this apartment is. It's essentially a studio apartment tbh. I would not recommend renting from this company, but I'm also not sure that any other leasing company in Ann arbor is much better. I rented from winter 2019 through winter 2020. ...


An extremely unprofessional company. I'm not an online review writer typically but folks should be warned. Low quality properties and poor management. I rented an apartment that needed renovations that kept taking longer and longer before I could move in. With an unclear end to the wait, i opted to find another place and get back the deposit i was repeatedly promised could be refunded under these circumstances (no stipulations). Though I was able to get most of my money back, it was not without a series of rude–borderline abusive–text messages from one of the owners . I was polite throughout this very frustrating experience–highly discourage renters from using this company. I rented from summer 2019 through fall 2019. ...


I rented from fall 2017 through fall 2018.


I have lived at to locations under Holland Management and found both to be great. Maintenance is done very quickly and management has been extremely helpful when I wanted to find a larger place. One of the best management companies that I've rented from! I rented from fall 10 through fall 11. ...


I think I know who posted that terrible review above, She was my roommate from HELL! She was mean, petty and very immature although she was a teacher. She literally ran me out of the apartment and Gretchen(the manager) found another place for me to live, although she had no obligation to and transferred my lease. She was very kind and helped me out of a horrible living situation. But I certainly can see why she might not want to help my old roommate. ...


Terrible communication. Exploitative. Defensive and angry instead of constructive. They feel perfectly comfortable entering your apartment at any time with no notice. That is the tip of the iceberg. Avoid this management company if you care about a secure and responsible living environment. ...


If you're looking for a rip-off, this is the management firm for you! If you enjoy being lied to, look no further!! Manager Gretchen Sleamon will take full advantage of your inexperince and age. She will tell you anything you want to hear just to get you to sign on the dotted line. If you're thinking of renting from Holland Management, run and don't look back..... I rented from fall '09 through spring 10. ...

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