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Riverbend Club ApartmentsWrite a Review

355 Riverbend Pkwy, Athens, GA 30605

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πŸŽ“   2.3mi to UGA

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Location Details

πŸ“ 355 Riverbend Pkwy, Athens, GA 30605

πŸŽ“ 2.3mi

Distance to UGA

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to UGA

🚲 7min

Est. Bike ride to UGA

πŸš— 5min

Est. Drive to UGA

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It is 2:00 am and, as I just woke up to go pee, I found two scorpions in my room. I hate this place and all of it's bugs. The parking spaces are too small, the office does nothing even though this will be my 5th scorpion complaint, and the apartment is just old and gross. ...


PLEASE DO NOT LIVE HERE IF U WANT TO GET GOOD GRADES IN CLASS!!! the bugs are too distracting, and the construction noise are horrible for studying in the day. The people in the office seems nice but they are useless in solving problems!! I rented from fall '08 through summer '09. ...


I lived there for two years and they had nice management as long as you did what they said. We had lots of gross bugs, and although they sprayed whenever, it might as well have been sugar water because they never went away. Our washer broke and they replaced it, however, the maintenance man was not good and it took him a month to level it and they eventually had to bring in someone else-then because they ran our washer everytime they wouldnt help pay for the bill -140.00 and every month since then it was about 35-45.00. Also the parking is horrible, come in after 7 pm and there is nothing. the space are so small that i have more colors on my car than it came with. The move-out inspection was the worst. They wrote nothing on my moveout inspection and i signed off because i agreed that we didnt damage the apartment. However, I get a bill a month later saying I gave up my rights to dispute the chargs within 5 days. I have called repeatedly asking why they are practicing illegal actions. They admit that they are doing something illegal and that they can add as many charges as they want. So they are threatening to take it to small claims court- they are using intimidation and their monetary authority and sadly it is working because I dont have the money to hire a lawyer! I rented from fall '06 through summer '08. ...


really good and friendly management. tight parking. I rented from fall '06 through spring '08.

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