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Monaco at Waterford Lakes ApartmentsWrite a Review

12101 Fountainbrook Blvd, Orlando, FL 32825

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$935 - $1,310
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   7.8mi to UCF

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to UCF

Location Details

πŸ“ 12101 Fountainbrook Blvd, Orlando, FL 32825

πŸŽ“ 7.8mi

Distance to UCF

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to UCF

🚲 23min

Est. Bike ride to UCF

πŸš— 16min

Est. Drive to UCF

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 70/100 ORA ™ Score

RateMyApartments provides a supplementary quality score (ORA ™) for Monaco at Waterford Lakes Apartments alongside reviews posted directly to RateMyApartments.



Current Resident

We've lived here for over a year now, so it's time to lay out some dirty laundry. This isn't a full or comprehensive list, but here are some highlights. Good luck trying to get help from the leasing office. My roommate, our ESA, and myself all have chronic health issues which have been aggravated by the heavy secondhand weed smoke that has been infiltrating our apartment. We've been upset about this for over a month, but the reason I'm writing this review is because I had to stop work and go to the ER last night because of it. We have been trying to get the leasing office to enforce the lease (there are restrictions on weed use, including with a medical card, in addition to the usual "odor nuisance" policies that leases have) because it is severely affecting us, but every time we reach out they say their hands are tied due to HIPAA (despite HIPAA being irrelevant to resolving the issue) and that there really isn't anything they can do. The most they did was send out an email asking tenants to "be mindful" of "living odors." The local police department has told us multiple times that this issue is the landlord's responsibility to resolve. The only solution the leasing office ever proposes is an apartment transfer "when one becomes available," but of course they still want to charge transfer fees so they can pocket some extra. A judge might be the only way to resolve this in all honesty, because these people have no interest in protecting your "quiet enjoyment" of the apartment you're paying for. In addition to the smoke problem, this complex has a massive carpenter ant problem, both inside and outside of the buildings. We have had to move all of our things multiple times due to hundreds of huge ants swarming our bedroom carpet (and even falling out of the air vent). The maintenance workers are great, reliable, and quick to respond when there is an issue, but it is an uphill battle when the ants are already established here. The gates of the community are basically pointless. Everyone just tailgates to get in, and oftentimes the gates malfunction or are opened intentionally and just stay open for days, defeating the whole purpose of the gates. Sometime last year, the gates started to malfunction and would not fully close, but also would not fully open. The proximity sensor was also broken, which meant that if you tried to leave the community, there was a chance the gates would not detect your car and just close while you were going through. Myself and several others were affected by this, with multiple cars in the community still bearing huge scratches from it. Of course, your only other options were to illegally drive through the entry gate against the flow of traffic after someone entered, or you could just stay and not leave at all. And of course, the gate has a sign that says they are not responsible for these damages. Our washer stopped working after regular use despite being "brand new" (the Whirlpool tech they had to outsource commented on this) and it took around a month of getting replacement parts that didn't fix the problem and eventually getting a "new" washer (it was extremely grimy and had a bad smell, I had to buy supplies to deep clean it) that was probably another broken model they were trying to refurbish. I'll cherish the weeks that we had to hand wash our clothes. The last point I'll make is on safety. We decided on this place because it was in a "safer" area on most crime maps. But it really is just your run of the mill place near UCF, so don't expect much improvement over Arden Villas or other cheaper complexes. The police are almost impossible to get ahold of- the sheriff's office is closed for much of the time, and the Orlando PD non-emergency number will just take you to a full voicemail box or will just automatically hang up because "call volumes are high" (they did not pick up for over a week the last time I tried to report a crime. Cops swarmed the community last night to evacuate a building due to a violent resident with a shotgun. Make an informed decision before giving them your money. ...


Current Resident

I rarely leave a review for any buisness but the office staff are nothing short of amazing...I would recommend this property to anyone and assure them they will love the personal attention given ...I am relocating to New York and I can only hope to have property mgrs that took such good care of me for the 3 years that I lived here..I recommend you contact Angela in the office if you have any issues this woman is sincere about helping one out.... ...

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