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Heritage at Temple Terrace ApartmentsWrite a Review

10605 N 56th St, Temple Terrace, FL 33617

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πŸ›Œ  2-3
πŸŽ“   7.8mi to Tampa

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πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to Tampa

Location Details

πŸ“ 10605 N 56th St, Temple Terrace, FL 33617

πŸŽ“ 7.8mi

Distance to Tampa

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Tampa

🚲 23min

Est. Bike ride to Tampa

πŸš— 16min

Est. Drive to Tampa

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 70/100 ORA ™ Score

RateMyApartments provides a supplementary quality score (ORA ™) for Heritage at Temple Terrace Apartments alongside reviews posted directly to RateMyApartments.



Current Resident

This community has put my family and I at risk of being homeless! I have lived here since 9/20/2018. Upon signing my new lease I was told new water charge would begin and I asked them how these charges would be implemented and was told the third party company would reach out and communicate how the bill would be implemented because it’s a new process. Signed the least with the understanding my individual use would be calculated. December I went on the website to pay my rent and noticed increase of 266.47. 201.00 dollar sewer and 65.47 dollars for water. I went to the office and asked what was going on and was told it’s my water and sewer bill. I immediately asked what sewer bill because nothing was ever mentioned and Garcia the site manager insisted that I signed the lease and it was in the new lease. No such information in the lease. I reminded him the discussion was about water and that before the bill came the third party would reach out and discuss further how my individual use would be calculated and he said he did not know and told me to connect Temple Terrace Utilty and i requested to speak to corporate and was given a general number. I called TT Utilty and they said this site generates only one bill which is 14,026.14 between 10/24/21-11/26/21. They also gave me a bill of 11,577.90 for periods of 9/1/21-10/4/21 and the use of 110,566 gallons used for the entire property. She did not find my name as an account holder and could not help me with my concerns. I want to share with the world what this company is doing to families during this pandemic. I received a demand letter today for the remaining balance of 266.47 as I did pay my agreed rent, which I also uploaded as I will have no choice but to pay if I don’t want to be put on the streets with my three kids! I also uploaded the response from corporate related to how this bills are calculated which I would have never knowingly signed if this fraudulent company would have told me in the first place. This community has two large pools that were closed since May to the beginning of October and two water fountain running 24hrs a day and not to mention their office space that’s open 6days a week for 8-9hrs per day! How is it fair for my family and I living in a two bedroom apartment to share one large bill without individual calculations of usage! We have dish washers, personal washer dryers and some work never and some work from home! I personally work and my children are full time students! I pray officials take action as I have notified everyone I know to take notice and action on what’s going on! I’m so sick of these corporations taking advantage of already struggling families for their gain. I know God has my back and fear no evil!Please beware of these thieves and protect your family and I’m doing everything I can to protect mine! ...

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