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College Court ApartmentsWrite a Review

5610 Graduate Circle, Tampa, FL 33617

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πŸŽ“   8.8mi to Tampa

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Location Details

πŸ“ 5610 Graduate Circle, Tampa, FL 33617

πŸŽ“ 8.8mi

Distance to Tampa

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Tampa

🚲 26min

Est. Bike ride to Tampa

πŸš— 18min

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Let us see where I shall start. I figured for my first move out of the house this would be a great place to live. It has been terrible from the start. The parking issues and now even more parking issues. My parents pay the rent and they tow her car that’s messed up. The grounds are never kept clean and you barely can go back to the trash compactor with it empty it is always over flowing. The people here are loud and do not care. The walls are paper-thin so you hear everything outside and I mean everything. It takes over 40minutes to get a hold of the Courtesy officer. They do not put restrictions on loudness and when there is a party going on a Monday night with school the next day is not too fun. The staff is friendly but if you ask them about parking rent loudness, they say there is NOTHING THEY CAN DO. Well is there anything they can do. I mean I am paying an outrageous amount to live here and they cannot do anything that’s pure BS. As a junior transferring to Tampa for the first time I will tell you this has been my biggest mistake of all. Who would want to pay the highest rate in town for college living and have to put up with very rude people. I hope this helps make up your mind. It has nice things like a game room, pool, hot tub, tanning bed, and gym but do not let those things fool you as it did me. If I could go back and reduce it, I would NEVER live here again. I am even trying to move out early and oh they do not even help you sublease your apartment but then they actually lie to you and make a list of names. I was one of the first people to ask and they said NO. Then I went back down a couple months later and they are like yeah we have a list after there were now 30 people ahead of me. Good luck and last reminder this place sucks!! I rented from fall '07 through spring '08. ...


Typical college living. A word to the wise though, read the fine print in the lease agreement; especially when it comes to the security deposit! I rented from fall '04 through summer '05.

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