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Main Office Barrington at Mirror LakeWrite a Review

700 Post Lake Pl, Apopka, FL 32703

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πŸŽ“   11.9mi to Orlando

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πŸ“ 700 Post Lake Pl, Apopka, FL 32703

πŸŽ“ 11.9mi

Distance to Orlando

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

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🚲 30+min

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πŸš— 24min

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 72/100 ORA ™ Score

RateMyApartments provides a supplementary quality score (ORA ™) for Main Office Barrington at Mirror Lake alongside reviews posted directly to RateMyApartments.



Barrington has been a pain in my ass. I moved there, thinking I was getting good value for my money. The quality of the apartments themselves are very poor. They put in new carpet and paint before they walk through the prospective victims (errr... renters) so everything looks all nice and new but its NOT! The dishwasher in the apartment is from before I was born (hint I am in my mid 20s). The walls are not insulated so you can hear the loud and dirty things that all your neighbors are doing and I'm sure they've heard about every conversation I've ever had. The AC and shower have broken numerous times, and I've been here for little over a year. Everything is of cheap CHEAP quality. There is no cap on the price, they will raise it at will, and they will not negotiate with you. Even though my fiance had lost his job that year and we had made every payment on time. They also have trash nazis (I am not kidding), guys that walk past your apartment everyday and try to catch you with your trashcan outside your door outside of the "allowed" hours. Then they will report you and give you a 25 dollar fine for everytime they mark it. Oh also they give you no indication when you move in that there will be any shennanigans like this going on at all. The location is convenient, but also kind of a bad area (ie on a bus route) lots of creepers all around and I'm scared to go out at night by myself. Also the police are always cruising through here, I don't know if they get lots of calls or what, but its kind of creepy. The landlord is non-existent, because the apartments are owned by some big uncaring corporation. Parking is awful, I am usually forced to park under the bird crap tree as all the other spots are taken. The laundry room and so called "gym" are a joke. Don't plan on doing any laundry. None of the washers or dryers work. They will take your money and Barrington claims no responsibility. Also the apartments are right next to a lake so be prepared for lots of critters. I just passed a raccoon walking upstairs to my apartment earlier today. I rented from winter '09 through spring 11. ...


Barrington is terrible. They look for ways to fine their constituency from parking violation (even though there are hardly any available spaces) to $25 fines for leaving your trash can out (even with no trash in it, and only with trash pick up on 4 days a week!). The leasing office is full of young women who have the WORST attitudes. They refuse to be reasonable even in the least bit. My neighbors upstairs have been arrested for domestic disputes 3 separate times this year and the police have put a lockdown on the front entrance of the entire apartment because they cornered a sex offender in the woods next to it. Barrington fools you with a nice grounds full of flowers and trees. That is why i moved here, its location was nice as well. BUT DONT BE FOOLED! I made a huge mistake by signing a lease here. BE FOREWARNED DO NOT RENT HERE! BAD BUSINESS ALL AROUND!!! also their prices are unreasonable. Also it has been 1 year to the day when the front office said that the dryers and washers in the laundry room would all be replaced (they are all from the 1980's). none were replaced and now only 3 work. the front office is very aware of this but yet they do NOTHING to fix it!! My phone was stolen from my duffle bag in the gym, as well as a TV they used to have in there as well. Neighbors cars have been broken into on more than one occasion. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Also most of the appliances are also from the 1980's I rented from winter '09 through winter 11. ...

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