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Fontainebleau Milton RentalWrite a Review

9517 Fontainebleau Blvd, Miami, FL 33172

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πŸŽ“   6.6mi to Everest Institute-Kendall

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πŸŽ“  Miles to Everest Institute-Kendall

Location Details

πŸ“ 9517 Fontainebleau Blvd, Miami, FL 33172

πŸŽ“ 6.6mi

Distance to Everest Institute-Kendall

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Everest Institute-Kendall

🚲 20min

Est. Bike ride to Everest Institute-Kendall

πŸš— 13min

Est. Drive to Everest Institute-Kendall

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Fontainebleau Milton Apartments is the worse place to live. The maintainance people don't speak english. They take forever to repair broken things. Since Friday my washing machine broke and today is wednesday and no one called or showed up to fix it. The apartments get moldy. There is hardly any parking and there is a new parking garage and they forbid existing residents from parking in it. If you have a truck or suv you can't park in the new garage. There is may be 4 residents in the new building, Versallies. The people are very rude around here. They drive on the wrong side of the road in the parking garage. Twice our cars was hit by another car in the parking garage and it was the other person's fault. There is no fence on the side of the building so anybody can come in. We go walking and simply has to step over the guardrail and we are in and out of the complex. Our car has been broken into and they did nothing about it. We had to pay over $300 to get the windows fixed. They won't clean the airconditioning system, the airvents is very dirty and they won't clean that either. The apartments are over priced for anybody especially students. I can't wait for my lease to end so i can be out of here it has been a waste of money and time living at the FONTAINEBLEAU MILTON APARTMENT. PASS THE WORD AROUND. I rented from summer '06 through fall 10. ...


A few of the employees are positive and courteous, but most are overworked, uncaring and sometimes downright rude. As long as you never have to contact the leasing office for anything, the complex is okay, but if you ever have a problem, be prepared to be ignored, then blamed for it, and in the end, it's guaranteed to be more trouble than it's worth. Personally, every day I regret signing the lease (a giant hassle in itself) and I can't wait to move to a better-run complex. Good advice for any potential housing: come in long before you need the apartment and ask the staff about their policies, if you can walk around, etc. to get a feel for how knowledgable they are and how they'll treat you once you're living here. I rented from fall '07 through summer '08. ...

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