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Mizner On the Green ApartmentsWrite a Review

350 SE Mizner Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432

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πŸŽ“   3mi to Lynn

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πŸ“ 350 SE Mizner Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432

πŸŽ“ 3mi

Distance to Lynn

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

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🚲 9min

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πŸš— 6min

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It's hard to decide where to start. There are so many problems with these overpriced units that to explain it all requires a numbered list. I'm stuck here for a while, so all i can hope to accomplish with this review is to keep someone else from making the same mistakes . . .so, as follows: 1. the noise serious. the walls and windows are paper thin. you can hear cars, conversations, and every bit of your neighbor's music (for the guy who like to blast "born in the usa", how about mixing it up with some Rolling Stones? additionally, i hear the motorcycles and garage doors of everyone around me. 2. the construction quality is shoddy. they should be ashamed to put such poor quality appliances, fixtures and cabinetry in such expensive places. the stoves look like something you'd find on a street corner, the dryers barely dry, and the washing machines will destroy any nice clothes you might have. a normal 12" dinner plate will not even fit in the kitchen cabinets. 3. moving in note: if you have large furniture, it will be a problem to get it through the narrow stairwells. i had to bring a queen size mattress over the balcony, as well as my moderately sized sofa. of course, they don't mention this at the office. 4. on a positive note, the grounds are well kept (but you will hear the landscaping company when they show up every week bright and early!). the location is very fine, both for proximity to restaurants and to FAU. 5. I have bugs. I keep an utterly perfect and clean place and i have roaches, ants and the occasional silverfish. gross. i've had two places here (i had to transfer to a three bedroom because the two bedroom became too claustrophobic. i tried to be economical, didn't work out) and they both have bugs. 6. another good note, the maintenance guys are nice. thank god, because you will certainly need them. i'm in the middle of a hot-water-heater breakdown as we speak. it stopped working, and now it spontaneously works a little and they intend to just wait until it completely and permanently fails before they will replace the faulty part. lucky me. 7. the pool is noisy. lots of drunk college guys and their beer. if it's your scene, i guess that might be okay. and what kind of apartment complex doesn't have a fitness center these days? c'mon . . . 8. serious problems with management's integrity. i was told when i considered moving here that one of the cool things about the place was that everyone was allowed to paint. they'd even help you find a painter. nice, right? no more stark white walls- it was an important reason i decided to move in. most places plainly tell you that you can't paint or you'll be charged. over the course of at least five detailed conversations, they never mentioned that they intended to charge me to change it back to plain white. cost me a fortune when i transferred!! so, they basically told me i could paint to make their deal sound attractive and then penalized me after i had signed a lease and had no recourse. the manager, who appears to be without any integrity whatsoever, insisted that just because she hadn't explicitly mentioned the penalty, her statements that i could paint were not deliberately misleading. Overall my experience here is this: it's noisy, the management lies, and there is a good sushi restaurant across the street. I would move if I could afford to leave so soon. I hope you find someplace better! I rented from summer '08 through fall '08. ...

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