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Legend OaksWrite a Review

1250 S Dayton Ct, Denver, CO 80231

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πŸŽ“   7.2mi to Colorado Heights University

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Location Details

πŸ“ 1250 S Dayton Ct, Denver, CO 80231

πŸŽ“ 7.2mi

Distance to Colorado Heights University

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Colorado Heights University

🚲 22min

Est. Bike ride to Colorado Heights University

πŸš— 14min

Est. Drive to Colorado Heights University

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 56/100 ORA ™ Score

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Hello everyone. Hopefully this will save a lot of people the problems that we have been having with our apartment complex. Very simply you don’t want to live here, it is a great place and looks really nice with great apartments. All the luxuries that you would look for in an apartment. The issue is with the manager and office personal. First off within a month of us moving in we received a notice that our apartment had been entered for a maintenance issue and reported that we had an unauthorized pet in the apartment. Bravo you found the pet that we had told them a week before we actually got the dog. That we would be looking for a dog and would like to pay the pet deposit then. We were told that would not be necessary and just to come in when we get the dog. As far as the maintenance issue and why they entered the apartment, we could never get an explanation and now know that there have been several complaints from other tenants that have had the same problem. The second reason why you might not want to live here is that we had dropped two checks of after hours in a secured drop box. both checks where lost and one of those checks was found when someone went to our bank, crossed legend oaks of the check and tried to cash the check for cash. Now our account has been locked due to the attempted cashing of a stolen check and we have to close our account due to the fact that whoever had the checks has our routing and account numbers. I have also had my car gas tank panel pried open and all my gas stolen out of the car. the third thing is that we had been trying to talk to a manager to find a resolution for all this stuff going on and no matter how many times we call we cannot get a meeting set up or even to get her to call back. This has been nothing but a head ache and I’m tired of it. Please stay away from this company, and save yourself a head ache. Thank you and if you have any questions please send me an email at mikeowens78@yahoo.com I rented from winter '08 through summer '08. ...

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