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1100 StanfordWrite a Review

1100 Stanford, Irvine, CA 92612

πŸ›Œ  1-2
πŸŽ“   5.8mi to Laguna College of Art and Design

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to Laguna College of Art and Design

Location Details

πŸ“ 1100 Stanford, Irvine, CA 92612

πŸŽ“ 5.8mi

Distance to Laguna College of Art and Design

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Laguna College of Art and Design

🚲 17min

Est. Bike ride to Laguna College of Art and Design

πŸš— 12min

Est. Drive to Laguna College of Art and Design

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1100 Stanford

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Former Resident

Apartments are conveniently close to UCI, good place to stay if going to there. Though of course the apartments come with kind of heftier price tag and somewhat limited space, but normal for SoCal. Had to ask multiple times to get a leak fixed in apartment, but usually easily get things fixed around the apartment. ...


Current Resident

Maintenance responds quickly and efficiently. Staff at the University Town Center has miscommunication sometimes. I personally experienced this when I arranged a day with one of the staff members to pick up my apartment keys. Turns out that I was not allowed to pick up my keys because the people on my lease did not sign the lease yet and that staff member did not tell me that beforehand. Also, there are so many bugs in my apartment. Thankfully they offered to have an exterminator but that was after I picked up my keys. They should have cleaned up the apartment first and exterminated the place before I signed my lease. Based off of the amount of bugs in my apartment, unsatisfactory staff, and the apartment being unfurnished, I would not recommend living here. ...


Current Resident

Fairly quiet neighborhood, but noise will depend on what kind of students are residing there. There also tends to be a lot of bugs. Price can be high if you live with about 3 people, but having more roommates will give one a low rent payment.


Former Resident

As a college student, I would like it to be a bit cheaper, but it is better than some of the places you will find outside of the apartments near UCI. Make sure to be with roommates that really respect your space and follow any rules you have at your apartment. The neighborhood is very safe around the area and there are centers where you can hangout with people and eat/get groceries. ...

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