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Evergreen AuburnWrite a Review

1131 S College St, Auburn, AL 36832

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πŸŽ“   1mi to Auburn University Main Campus

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Location Details

πŸ“ 1131 S College St, Auburn, AL 36832

πŸŽ“ 1mi

Distance to Auburn University Main Campus

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 15min

EST. Walk to Auburn University Main Campus

🚲 3min

Est. Bike ride to Auburn University Main Campus

πŸš— 2min

Est. Drive to Auburn University Main Campus

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Research Score

 - 60/100 ORA ™ Score

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Former Resident

Evergreen Auburn 1131 S College St, Auburn, AL 36832 Property management company John Lorick 122Β points Β  a day ago I wish I were able to give a 0 star review. Let's begin with the safety aspect of this place. There were multiple shootings along with armed robbery that occurred during my time living at these apartments. It is never a great feeling to get an AU alert about crimes occurring at your apartment; it is a much worse feeling to actually hear the gunshots outside of your bedroom window. For a community that advertises off campus student living, it is disheartening to see a place so unsafe caused by residents not even remotely connected to the university. I will include news links to specific instances at the end of this review. Furthermore, I had to put out a bush that had caught on fire in front of my building because someone threw incense out of the window. I'm glad I was able to prevent the fire from spreading to the porch but I was still appalled at the overall circumstance. On to the disheartening management practices. The first complaint begins December 2020 when I was home for winter break. There was a leak at the water meter outside of my apartment. There was nothing I could do to prevent said leak and so this was clearly a maintenance issue. The maintenance team did a great job repairing the leak once I noticed my high water bill. However, I was stuck with hundreds of dollars of extra water bill costs since ultimately (and according to their lease) I was solely responsible for the water bill. The worst of it comes at move out. After cleaning my apartment with the help of my parents, I get a moveout bill upwards of $270. I have to first remind them that the wall damages were there 3 years ago when I moved in and were never fixed during my duration living there. Then I email back and forth with management about these ridiculous cleaning fees. They cannot even provide an itemized cleaning schedule and insist that their flat rate fee is charged to everyone who requires cleaning. Their pet addendum has wording that insinuates that the costly pet fees are there to cover the costs of having a pet, yet they are determined to charge me extra carpet cleaning even though the lease already stipulates a $35 base carpet cleaning charge at the end of tenancy. Over the course of the past 3 years, I have paid $1150 for having a pet live there with me. This is what their pet addendum states: The Resident agrees to pay the Landlord a one-time non-refundable Pet Fee of $300 and a monthly pet rent of $25. ? However, in addition thereto, Resident will be strictly liable for the entire amount of any damages, injuries, claims, expenses, or judgments against the person or property of Landlord and/or others caused by such pet. If the cost(s) to restore the Unit due to the pet exceeds the amount listed above, then Tenant agrees to pay the additional cost(s). Now after paying $1150 over the past 3 years and having no damage from my pet other than some dirty carpet (which wasn't even properly cleaned when I moved in), I am expected to shell out more money to cover "deep carpet cleaning." My perception is that this company only cares about fill rates while neglecting the safety and complaints of tenants. For those who are not yet residents, find anywhere else in Auburn to live. For those who are residents currently, be prepared to get screwed over upon moveout and demand that anything not up to standard be fixed. Links: Shooting: https://www.wsfa.com/2020/02/16/shooting-evergreen-apartments-near-campus-auburn-university/ Armed robbery (not explicitly stated evergreen but it indeed was): https://www.wbrc.com/2020/08/24/overnight-home-invasion-armed-robbery-reported-near-auburn-university-campus/ ...


Former Resident

During my time I was unbothered, but the cleanliness of the entire complex was not the best, constant trash everywhere until the end of my lease when they began to clean for the next round of residents.

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