About 3827 40th Ave N
Great Home for Rent in Tarrant! Coming Soon!!! - Wonderful 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom duplex for rent in Tarrant. More photos coming soon!!
The security deposit for the home is equal to the monthly rent amount. The application fee (non-refundable) is $45 per applicant. Any adult that plans to live in the home must apply. The security deposit is what holds the property for you, and is only refundable for a period of 48 hours.
If you place a security deposit on the home, you and any adult that will be living in the home must apply by midnight of the same day, or the home will go back on the market and the security deposit be placed on hold. Failure to provide the needed documentation for ARM to complete your application in the 48 hour time period will result in the application being placed on hold and the home will go back on the market.
Alabama Rental Managers is a leader in the Birmingham Property Management and Rental market. Give us a call today to schedule a viewing! 205-824-5008. Check out our FAQ's for more information about our policies and application process. http://www.alabamarentalmanagers.com/faq