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Garden Park ApartmentsWrite a Review

5104 SE 30th Ave, Portland, OR 97202

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πŸŽ“   0.4mi to Reed

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πŸ“ 5104 SE 30th Ave, Portland, OR 97202

πŸŽ“ 0.4mi

Distance to Reed

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 6min

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🚲 1min

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πŸš— 1min

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Some people will settle for poor service and other problems because they say "its an apartment, what do you expect?" But why? They aren't doing us any favors by "letting" u s live there, especially Garden Park. First off, the rent is pretty high compared to other similar places, that may be partially because of the neighborhood, but I have never lived in a complex where you have to pay your water, sewage, trash, and gas and electric bill, on top of overpaying for rent. They also charge a 200$ non-refundable deposit plus a 200$ refundable deposit for each pet! I have two dogs...that was an extra 800$ to start! I was moving from across the country and had no choice though. The walls are SUPER thin, I can hear my next door neighbor open the cabinets in his kitchen! I can hear neighbors' televisions through their walls from accross the yard, and there are no windows on either of the walls! My thermostat has been broken since day one, no one will fix it, my heating bills were outrageous through the winter because the heat would never shut off, so i either had turn it all the way off on. I had a water leak in my storage unit, water was dripping from the light fixture, i could not get anyone out to even look at it for a day and a half! But here is the best part, I just received a letter on my door reminding me that my lease is up in August, and that I have the fabulous option of renewing it and agreeing to pay a rent increase of 40$ per month! Even though the rates are the same on the web as they were when I moved in! Even better, if I want a month to month lease, my rent goes up 130$ per month! Why would they want give me a reason to move out and take the chance on a new tenant when they know that I am a good tenant already? Deosn't make much sence to me. I do not recommend this place AT ALL. Also, don't count on the hot tub a)working b)being hot, warm at best, c)having jets, they dont work....ever. I rented from fall '06 through fall '07. ...

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